Alcohol may be beneficial, but only if drunk
in small to moderate amounts. At higher
levels, it can harm your health. Drinking regular, small amounts of all types
of alcohol may reduce your risk of heart
disease. It is generally thought that a unit
or two, some days of the week, probably
protects adults of all ages against heart
Research shows that small amounts of
alcohol may help to thin the blood and reduce
the risk of clots forming in blood vessels. It
may also affect the way that cholesterol is
carried in the bloodstream, reducing the risk
of fatty deposits building up in blood vessel
walls. This can reduce the risk of ischaemic
strokes, where clots or fatty build-up cause a
blockage in a blood vessel.
Although drinking small amounts of alcohol a
day has been found to offer some protection
against heart attack and stroke, there are still
more effective ways to protect your health. These include eating a healthy diet, staying
active, getting enough sleep, and having
regular health checks as recommended by
your doctor.